Get your Port-A-Coop plans here!

Our Port-A-Coop has many features that we feel make it better than the ones we have found on the web.

Click on image to see full size

The house, (not including the nest boxes) is 4'by 4' and the yard is 4' by 8'. From what we have read, a chicken is happiest with 4 square feet per chicken. So you could have 4 large hens in here and they would be quite happy. There are 4 nest boxes. If you have a small breed you could have more in there and they would be fine. The rough estimate for cost, if you have to buy everything new, is about 200.00$.
(At the time this one was built.)
For $29.95 you get a PDF file with the blue prints/instructions, and an informational file. If you need it printed out for you and mailed, I will do that for $5.00 more to cover printing and mailing cost. If you don't use Pay-Pal I will take a check, but the file will not be sent until the check clears.
I am reading up on how to set up a shopping cart, but until I get that worked out you can e-mail me at
The girls moving the Port-A-Coop  
It gets moved at least once a day.
The chickens are inside.
When Pushing this UP the hill, it takes Dad, or Mom with Teenage son's help.