Saturday, December 3, 2011

Up-date On Our Rooster, Oh No, Roosters!

Saying good bye to Mr Waddles
It is hard to believe it has been 2 months since my last post! Life gets very busy with the start of school.
I did not plant a fall garden as planned. I was digging out beds and adding compost, leaves and kitchen Scraps in layers. It was slower going than I planned. Our soil has so much clay, that you would have thought I was digging virgin ground!
Then I popped a tendon in my right hand (not while digging, or doing anything hard!) and have not been digging anymore. Injuries are extremely frustrating when you have a long list of things you want to get done.

Good news is, we found a nice home for Mr Waddles!

Our two late blooming roosters.

Bad news is, a couple of weeks after finding Mr Waddles a home, Anna and Big Red started growing pretty tail fathers and crowing. We were not happy at all! Anna, if you remember is my gardening buddy. More good news though, the neighbors don't mind the crowing! So Anna stays and Big Red is in the classifieds.
Anna stays.
Joy Joy also picked out 2 white hens from a friend and we added them to our little flock. I will take pictures soon.

Big Red has to go.
Frank finished the shed except for the siding he wants to put on. We got our Christmas tree up, and I have been doing some little jobs (house cleaning and photography) to earn money for gifts. All in all, life is good and we are very blessed. I will try to post again soon with pictures of the shed and new hens, but if I don't before Christmas, let me wish you a very Merry Christmas!

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